вторник, 18 октября 2016 г.

The power of the embarrassing parent!


My kids are wonderful (of course I would say that), strong willed, independent little women and on the whole, they are easy to get along with.

But there are moments where they seem to feel that, by repeating over and over and over again that they want a packet of chocolate eggs in the isle of the grocery store, they might actually get them. Which is just not the case. So instead of getting annoyed, which I also do, I have resorted to a new style to manage the situation. I just start breaking into dance moves right there in front of the chocolate eggs, in full view of the public. It is incredibly effective and amazing how quickly those chocolate eggs get placed back on the shelves. It does though lead to a chant of: “mommy, you are embarrassing me!!”. The good thing is that I am old enough to rarely get embarrassed.

I now have this particular parenting method so fine tuned, that I now only need to start tapping my foot or swaying my hips ever so slightly, to get my way. It is possible you will not find this method in any parenting books, but I have discovered that if I can amuse myself while getting the kids to toe the line, it makes me happy. And a happy parent is always a good thing, right?

Emilie x

PS. The above photo is not one of me dancing in the aisles of a supermarket, as no one wants a photo of that, but a photo of me doing another apparently embarrassing thing for parents to do: skateboarding (very badly).

from kid games toys http://ift.tt/2egALpz via kid games toys
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2epYrXE

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