четверг, 27 октября 2016 г.

Books the Babyccino team love!

A few months ago I started an email asking the girls on the Babyccino team to list some of their favourite children’s books. I thought it would be a fun idea to share our favourite books with you! But it wasn’t as easy as it sounded! (The email string grew longer and longer, it would almost just be easier if I shared the email string with you!)

It was such a fab topic to start with each other and finally (!) I have grouped the books together and compiled a Top Thirty. So here goes, in no particular order, some favourites from the Babyccino girls:


Courtney’s childhood favourites are:


I’m loving Esther’s list. A mix of English and Dutch titles and I too have a fondness for The Secret Garden.


One day I’m going to sit by Emilie’s bookshelves with a pot of tea and talk and talk and talk to Emilie about her reading lists. It’s again been a hard choice for me to narrow Emilie’s down to five. The lists go on……..


Nina’s love of Lindgren and Beskow’s books make them top on her list. I too love the illustrations in these books – so captivating.


Helen’s favourites are rather nostaligic to my own childhood as we are both from England. I too adored Topsi and Tim, and Mog, Mog and Owl.


And finally here’s mine. It’s so much fun thinking of your favourite books but when you have to narrow them down to only a few it’s such a difficult task! My list are books from my childhood. Books which really have left strong and happy memories for me. I have hundreds of others which I adore reading to my children but then we’d never get this post out to you!

I’m pretty sure we’ve started a great discussion here and got you thinking of your favourites. I’d like to think we’ve also brought back some great childhood moments when you see these titles. Please share your favourites with us – we’d love to know!

Vanessa x

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