пятница, 14 октября 2016 г.

Do you find out your baby’s gender?


Being pregnant, one of the first questions people tend to ask is ‘Do you know what you’re having?’ It’s such a natural conversation starter. I know it’s one of the first questions I tend to ask pregnant women I meet as well.

The thing I’ve noticed lately is that more often than not, people tend to find out their baby’s gender. I guess it’s become increasingly easy (and tempting!) to find out, especially now that you can do an easy blood test from just 10 weeks that reveals your baby’s gender.

While I can see all the reasons for finding out – to help connect with your baby, to help your other children connect and adjust, to help with choosing a name, to help you prepare, etc. – I always surprise people when I tell them I really don’t want to know! I love the surprise at birth so much, I just can’t imagine finding out what we’re having during pregnancy. In fact, in our last three pregnancies, Michael and I have gone in to the scans with our eyes closed and our ears plugged. We don’t even want to risk seeing something that might give it away! : )

I was speaking to a friend of mine recently (who also prefers not to find out) and she compared it to x-raying your Christmas presents before you open them. Haha! I loved that! Isn’t it funny how some people really want to know, while others can feel so passionately about not finding out?!

Which type are you? Did (do) you find out your baby’s gender?

Courtney x

from kid games toys http://ift.tt/2dNGKDj via kid games toys
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2dRb1lX

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