суббота, 22 октября 2016 г.

Apple picking at La Cueillette de Gally


Just a few kilometres south west from Paris, right behind the Château de Versailles, lies a farm called La Ferme de Gally. It is divided in two parts: the actual farm where you can see cows, goats, sheep, donkeys, rabbits and pigs, and the fruits and vegetables farm where you can go pick your seasonal greens, called La Cueillette de Gally.

I hadn’t been there in ages and remembered I had really liked the place last time I went so we decided to go back and pick some fruits and vegetables. As Oscar is only five months old we didn’t go to the animal farm this time, we decided to wait until he is older and can enjoy that part of Gally better. We arrived quite late in the afternoon though, so our main activity became apple picking. It was so much fun and I loved watch Oscar discover the trees, leaves, fruits and wonder what his parents were doing while we tasted a few (delicious!) apples!

The orchard is divided per apple sorts and there are a whole bunch of them, over 25 if I remember correctly! Depending on the month you go, some varieties will be available for picking and others not just yet as apple season lasts from August to November. As I don’t really know much about all these different kinds of apples, a few explanation lines given by the farm about each sort came in very handy in order to pick the ones that would taste best to us!
My husband really has a sweet tooth and went for Gala while I chose Elstar as I prefer a touch of sourness in my apples.

The farm provides wooden crates for apple picking but you can of course choose to come with your own baskets or even fill up a whole barrow if you are feeling inspired by all the beautiful greens!

Last but not least, prices are lower than in store so I can only recommend this great outdoor family activity as it is so much fun with kids plus they will love eating the fruits and veggies they picked themselves for dinner! I hadn’t tasted an apple from the tree in years and what a difference it makes!! There’s nothing like apples that come directly from the farm, especially if you live in a big city like Paris and don’t get much chances of eating them so fresh! The morning after we went to Gally I made a Tarte Tatin, a French upside-down apple pie and it was delicious!


La Cueillette de Gally

Route de Saint-Cyr, 78870 Bailly

Open April to November
10:00 AM to 6:00 PM until the end of May
9:00 AM to 7:00 PM from June to the middle of October

from kid games toys http://ift.tt/2eCr0S3 via kid games toys
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2dy7Dsk

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