четверг, 23 марта 2017 г.

My thoughts on child birth

I was on the phone to Courtney the other night and we were laughing about how people can have such different attitudes towards child birth. There is a world of difference between the hippie town of Byron Bay and intercity Paris!

Here is my theory: for me birth is a bit like a long-haul flight, and what really matters is the destination. Now everyone has different coping mechanisms to flying (just like birth). Some people meditate, some do stretches and drink water, others take a sleeping pill, knock themselves out and wake up at the end of the journey (that would be me)! It is not the most comfortable moment in your life, so you need to do whatever it takes for you personally to get through it. All methods are personal and none are better then the other and the end result really is the same.

I have zero judgement if people want to have an elective C-section or have their other kids attend the natural birth of their sibling. I say whatever rocks your boat and obviously as long as the baby born is safe and healthy, all is good.  Whilst it is important to concentrate on the birth, it is just a journey to meeting the new member (or even members) of your family.

I for one did not realise that with my first daughter. I had taken courses on breathing and labour — but I literally had no idea what to do with my bundle of joy once I was out of the hospital. That was a huge learning curve and it was a challenge I was happy to take on with all the tears and laughter that came with it. But I did learn that what happened after the birth and has been happening for more than 11 years has been so much more important than the birth itself.


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