понедельник, 8 мая 2017 г.

Spring Forgaging and a Delicious Wild Garlic Quiche

I love this time of year when the wild garlic season is upon us. Have you seen it around? You’ll find it growing best shaded under trees, in deciduous woodland and where you’ll find one plant, you will find masses of it together. And you’ll be able to smell it of course! The scent of garlic is so so good! Apparently the flavour is at its strongest before the white flower appears so this is a great time to start cooking with it.

Last season we had such fun collecting bunches of wild garlic and we made some delicious recipes from it. One of them being wild garlic butter which is so good spread on freshly baked bread buns! But this new recipe for wild garlic and feta we’ve recently experimented with in our cooking studio is so good and so delicious.

My girls love to help out with each part of assembling this quiche. From picking the garlic leaves, rolling out the pastry, breaking up the feta, cracking the eggs and whisking the egg mixture. Children feel like they’ve accomplished so much when they help out in the kitchen and what’s best to sit down and enjoy eating their own creation!

While our quiche was cooking the girls had the idea to make a little posy of flowers to set on our lunch table and Helena added some wild garlic leaves to our daffodils and buds from the garden. I think they look so pretty for spring!

So here’s what you’ll need:

-1 roll of cook’s shortcrust pastry (I use this one)
-100g wild garlic leaves, chopped roughly
-200g feta cheese
-4 large eggs
-100ml single cream
-Black pepper to season

And here’s how to make it:

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C. Roll out the pastry to fit the flan dish and bake blind for around 20 minutes until the pastry starts going golden in colour. At this point take the pastry out of the oven and brush it will whisked egg. I find this gives the quiche a really good seal and you won’t get a soggy base. Pop the pastry back into the over for two or three minutes until the layer of egg is golden.

Scatter over chunks of feta cheese onto your pastry base and then sprinkle the garlic leaves throughout the feta.

In a jug mix the four eggs and cream and add the ground black pepper to season. Bake the quiche for around 30 minutes until the mixture is set and the top is golden coloured. Enjoy warm or cold any time of the day!

It’s really such fun foraging with children. They learn so much from how our seasons produce food naturally and they love to explore with you. Wild garlic is such a delicious weed to collect and if you have any other great recipes for wild garlic please do share them with us.

Vanessa x

You can find more cooking inspiration from Vanessa on her cooking with children foodie blog Wild Flours!

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