суббота, 24 декабря 2016 г.

Happy holidays! And some favourite posts from 2016…

Oh what a busy month it’s been! With all the holiday festivities and Christmas preparations, the past month has sped by and we can’t believe the Christmas holidays are here already. It’s time to slow down now and enjoy this magical season with family and friends.

We wanted to wish you all a very happy holiday season and to take the time to thank you for being a part of our online community. We are so thankful to all our readers for joining us here and contributing to our daily discussions and blog posts. This past year has been a big one for Babyccino, with a website re-launch and lots of new features and events, and we are humbled by everyone’s support, by our community of readers and by the wonderful, independent shops and brands we get to work with. So thank you and big hugs to you all.

We’ll be taking the next week off from blogging, but before we go we wanted to leave you with some favourite posts from 2016…!

Esther’s Favourites:

  1. My Girls’ Shared Bedroom — Emilie recently bought a flat in Paris and is currently renovating it. I can’t wait to see her new place all done up! But I am going to miss her old flat, where we have spent so many wonderful evenings together (and with this super fun vertically split kids’ bedroom!)
  2. 5 Questions with Ana from MamaOwl — I love this new series we started this year, giving a peek-behind-the-scenes of the brands and shops we work with.
  3. Some Exciting Changes to Come and The ShopUp in LA this coming Sunday and Monday!  — Ok, two posts, but just because I’m so proud of our beautiful new website design and the amazing ShopUp events we have organised this year.
  4. A Blanket of Love — Losing a child is one of the most tragic things one can overcome. This post is about how a community can embrace a family, and how they can help to give support together.
  5. Some big news — another baby! — Well, of course this is one of my favourite posts on our blog EVER! : )

Emilie’s Favourites:

  1. Weekend Getaway: Edinburgh — I loved this guide to Edinburgh. It is a special city and I am currently trying to book a weekend away there myself.
  2. A Family Trip to Morocco — As you can tell, I am in a travel mood at the moment. Morocco is an amazing family destination and easy to get to from Europe. I love Esther’s post and all the beautiful photos.
  3. Bread on a Stick! — Love this post! So fun and inspirational. Also the photos are great.
  4. What kind of music do you listen to with your children? — Reading this post, it felt like the soundtrack to Courtney’s trip abroad and I loved that. Also there are some great family music recommendations.
  5. A Genius Swim Trick! — I love this little ‘Tuesday Tips’ series, and I thought this was such a simple and easy trick. Encouraging children to swim can be of a bit of a headache so every tip helps.  Also, I know Esther already chose this post, but it’s also my favourite post EVER! : )

Courtney’s Favourites:

  1. A Flower Birthday Party and A Stick-Themed Party —  because I love Esther’s birthday party ideas. Always so simple, beautiful and most importantly, fun!
  2. The Power of the Embarrassing Parent — I love Emilie’s approach to parenting and this easy tip is a great one! Any time you can achieve a result in parenting without having to raise your voice or use ultimatums, you are doing something right.
  3. Do you talk about sex with your children? — Such an interesting topic and I couldn’t agree more with Esther’s straight-forward and natural approach for speaking about sex with her children.
  4. Tandem Breastfeeding — Lara’s post about breastfeeding both of her children at the same time was so fascinating to me. I didn’t even know that was possible!
  5. Depression During Pregnancy — I loved reading everyone’s honest comments about their own experiences with depression or anxiety. I feel like these types of discussions are so healthy for mothers and am proud that we can initiate them here on our blog.

See you all in 2017!

Lots of love,
Esther, Emilie and Courtney xxx

from kid games toys http://ift.tt/2i1RLSO via kid games toys
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2i2eb6f

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