понедельник, 23 января 2017 г.

Coram’s Fields playground — a family favourite in the heart of London

Centrally located in the heart of London’s Bloomsbury and near some of our best loved museums, is Coram’s Fields. This charming inner city playground is a relaxing and convenient place to stop off and take a break if you find yourself in this interesting part of town. Tucked away between garden squares and sprawling Edwardian mansion blocks, the park itself is safely enclosed from the busy surrounding streets by a walled garden, and only adults accompanied by a child may enter.

I’ve been bringing my children here since they were tiny. I’ve always loved the calm, safe vibe and we’ve whiled away many a sunny afternoon picnicking on the lawn with friends and building sandcastles in the sandpit. Even now they are older if you ask my kids to name their favourite parks in London Coram’s Fields still features pretty high up on their list.

It might not be one of the city’s newest or fanciest play parks (run by a charity, it relies heavily on donations to maintain its upkeep) but it does have acres of open green space to run around, sandpits and water play for sunny days, a city farm and loads of different play equipment catering to a variety of age groups. But ask them what they love most about this particular park and they will tell you that its all about the zip wire. They can’t get enough of it!

It also happens to be right across the road from one of our favourite Italian restaurants Caio Bella on Lambs Conduit Street, perfect for grabbing a hearty bowl of pasta after an afternoon of energetic play. The park can get busy during school holidays and especially on hot sunny days so this time of year although chilly is actually a perfect time to visit. As you can see from the photos we practically had the whole place to ourselves.

Kate x

Coram’s Fields 93 Guilford Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 1DN

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