понедельник, 30 октября 2017 г.

Ten Favourite Posts from the Past Ten Years!

To celebrate our 10th birthday we’ve dug deep into the archives to find ten favourite posts from the last decade. Just looking back through the archives reminds me how diverse the topics are and also how many fun ideas we’ve shared. Here are ten of our favourites:

1. We loved reading all the comments in this post about how often you bathe your children. It was fascinating to read the cultural differences and opinions!

2. It was hard to choose from all the wonderful birthday party ideas, but Pim’s Lego-themed birthday party was such a great one with so many cute ideas from lego face juice glasses to balloons!

3. We loved this post from Emilie in which she asks if we women are our own worst enemy? She writes about how working mothers are criticised for neglecting their children and for putting work before family while stay-at-home mothers are criticised for not contributing to the finances of the family and for having an ‘easier’ life. It seems we can’t do anything right! Why do we put these pressures on ourselves and others? A beautifully written post and definitely a favourite.

4. It seems that foods and eating is a much-debated and sensitive topic amongst parents. But differences aside, it seems we all hope our children will be adventurous, healthy eaters. Esther shares her tried and tested tips for raising good eaters and we love these tips!

5. There are so many wonderful recipes from the past ten years and it was impossible to choose favourites, but in this post Esther shares not one but THREE of her go-to quiche recipes. And Esther is the master of the quiche, so…!

6. Esther has shared lots of sweet creative posts in The Little Things series, and we especially love one of the first posts where she shares how to make a child’s apron from a simple tea towel. Such a fun little sewing project with the cutest result (and look at little Ava!).

7. Emilie talks about her trilingual upbringing (French, German and English!) and shares some helpful tips for raising children to be bi-lingual. What a gift to give your children — the ability to speak and understand multiple languages!

8. This post where I shared my opinions about TV and electronics turned out to be more controversial than I expected — with lots of people weighing in with their own opinions. This is one of the things I love most about Babyccino — that we can celebrate our different parenting techniques by raising topics that lead to healthy discussions and debates.

9. We’ve shared so many wonderful craft projects over the years — just looking back at all of them makes me feel so inspired to be more crafty with my kids! In 2010 Esther shared how she made stick horses for Sara’s birthday party. I love this idea — both for a fun craft project as well as for birthday party entertainment.

10. I wrote this post about sleeping with your baby when Marlow was seven months old — the same age that Wilkie is now! I actually find it reassuring to read and think back to that time, and to know that Marlow eventually became a really good sleeper. It is a reminder to me to enjoy these sleepless nights with Wilkie because this phase passes quickly. I hope it makes others feel the same way too.

Do you have any favourite posts not mentioned above? We’d love to hear what posts have resonated with you. x

The post Ten Favourite Posts from the Past Ten Years! appeared first on Babyccino Kids: Daily tips, Children’s products, Craft ideas, Recipes & More.

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