четверг, 5 мая 2016 г.

Thursday Thoughts: I think I quite like my wrinkles


Being around 40 is an interesting thing because, there is no denying it at this point – I am now officially a grown up, a fact that I have been trying to ignore! It is also quite confronting as my features are changing, and no matter how much cream I splash on, age is changing my appearance, if I like it or not.

I have been in a bit of denial about it though until I got the sweet compliment from a 25 year old the other night. He bashfully told me that he found the wrinkles around  my eyes quite sexy. I was about to storm off in a huff… and then I was quite touched. Hilariously, I actually had thought that no one could noticed them… Since then I have been looking at myself in the mirror the last few days and he is right, I quite like these wrinkles and they actually suit me!

The thing is, we cannot really do anything about getting older, right? So might as well accept it and enjoy the different sort of sexiness that comes with it. 😉


The above photo was taken by my lovely friend Sarah Gardan.

from kid games toys http://ift.tt/26VGzuL via kid games toys
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/24B5iT5

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