среда, 11 января 2017 г.

‘The Everest Files’ by Matt Dickenson


Helena, my eldest, is currently totally enthralled with her current school topic — Extreme Survivors. She’s already been on a school trip where she had to ‘survive’ for the day trekking through the hills of Clachnaben putting up her tent, learning how to catch a fish and walking long distances whilst carrying her backpack. A far cry from being driven to school everyday with your snack in your bag!

But now that she is cosied up back at home and dreaming of big adventures she’s currently enjoying reading, The Everest Files written by a man who himself has climbed Mount Everest, documented for National Geographic and the BBC and is a film maker — Matt Dickenson.

The Everest Files is a mystery set in the deepest Himalyan of an expedition to Everest which leads to mysterious dissapearances and death which a young boy, Ryan Hart is set to solve. The story is so well written it gives an insight of how the Sherpas live and also of the dangers of the region and how difficult it is for people to live there on these expeditions. Shortlisted for the Trinity Schools Book Award this year, The Everest Files, has Helena absolutely hooked!


Available online at Amazon (UK) and (US).

Vanessa x

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