понедельник, 16 ноября 2015 г.


boys journals

Kids journaling

We gave the kids journals for their birthdays last spring in anticipation of our big journey ahead. I had hoped they would write in them regularly (daily even!) to document the things they see and do each day. The kids were enthusiastic about the idea and they excitedly packed them into their backpacks at the start of our trip.

But… when the time came to write their first journal entry, all three kids stared up at us with a blank stare, followed by questions and complaints: what should I write? I don’t know what to write about!  How much do I have to write?

We suggested they write about their day and all the things they saw and learned. And yet, they still sat there looking down at a blank sheet of paper. We soon realised that perhaps it would be easier for them if we asked a few specific questions for them to answer, and this method has worked really well over the past couple months. We start each day with the date, place and weather. We then ask 3 to 4 specific questions (tailored for each child).

Easton's journal 2

Quin's journal

Ivy's journal

Ivy journal entry1

Here’s a list of some of the questions we generally ask:

  • What did you do yesterday?
  • What new words did you learn?
  • What new foods did you try?
  • What was the most interesting thing you saw?
  • What was the most fun?
  • What was the highlight of your day?
  • How did it make you feel?

We then ask them to draw something they saw, ate or did. I’m loving their drawings just as much as what they choose to write – it’s such a fun visual way to capture a memory. It is already so much fun to look back at all their journal entries from the past couple months and I’m so excited for all the pages yet to be filled! It’s going to be such a special thing for them to keep and look back on for the rest of their lives.

Courtney xx

p.s. I picked up the boys’ journals (featured in the first photo) from Elias & Grace in London — they’re from a brand called Roger la Borde.

from kid games toys http://ift.tt/1WV2qzZ via kid games toys
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1LhnsfT

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