пятница, 22 апреля 2016 г.

Yoli & Otis a darling brand from Byron Bay

Yoli & Otis holiday dress

Yoli & Otis new collection

Byron Bay is not just a surfer’s paradise, it’s also a hotspot for loads of inspiring people and businesses. I was blown away by the creative talent we discovered in this community during our month-long stay. We met talented musicians, film producers, artists, photographers, magazine editors, graphic designers… and the list goes on. Okay, we even met a couple professional surfers and bodyboarders! : )

But what surprised me the most was the number of women (mothers!) in this little community who have created gorgeous brands for children and families. One of them is my new friend Lena from Yoli & Otis, who, after creating a collection of organic, plant-dyed baby carriers, has recently launched a stunning collection of organic, naturally dyed children’s clothing. The collection is so beautiful — with shapes and styles as natural as the fabrics themselves. We’ve become good friends with Lena and her sweet family and have enjoyed getting a behind-the-scenes glimpse at their brand.

The collection is now available to pre-order with many of the pieces ready to ship in the next couple weeks. Lena gifted Marlow with this pretty (and most importantly, ‘spinny’) holiday dress, and Marlow is so obsessed with it, she refuses to wear anything else.

Courtney x

from kid games toys http://ift.tt/1Nnr7Rj via kid games toys
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/23NwEZ5

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