четверг, 28 апреля 2016 г.

Thursday’s Thoughts : Deciding when you have had enough?

Florence and her baby

I’m nearing 40 and always thought that when I hit that celebratory birthday I’d know; I’d know that I had enough children. But when I asked friends recently, “How do you know when you’ve had enough?” they replied, “You just know it. It will hit you.”

Now I realise I am not big on numbers with the amount of children I have. While I am so extremely grateful for the two gorgeous girls we have, it’s not exactly the number we chose or intended to have. You see, I don’t have such a great track record with pregnancies — I’ve had a late miscarriage and also lost a baby boy to Trisomy 18, so being pregnant again honestly nerves me – medically.

But I’m still asking myself (and my husband) should we try for another one. I’d love to know your thoughts on this. Have you decided you’re finished having babies? When did you know you had enough children? Or are you still thinking of trying for more? Does it matter what age you are? How many is enough?! Please share your thoughts.

Vanessa x

PS The image above is of Florence who would love for us to have another baby. She’s baby obsessed!

from kid games toys http://ift.tt/1qWvh8w via kid games toys
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1SMWOCM

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