четверг, 17 марта 2016 г.

Thursday Thoughts: To shave or not to shave

wrists copy

Okay ladies, a funny thing happened to me this week. I posted this photo (above) on my Instagram feed to feature a watch brand I like and to talk about the two opposing sides of my personal style, as reflected by my wrists. But, the comments and conversation quickly became focused on my arm hair!!! Some people told me “it looked gross,” while others suggested I would look more feminine if I removed it. Some were just surprised I would post a photo showing my arm hair (what?!). Of course many people left comments in my defence, equally stunned by the inane discussion.

And to think, until this week I never ever thought twice about my arm hair. In fact, it never occurred to me that people would shave their arms. Okay, I know Olympic swimmers do, but…!  Frankly, I don’t feel insecure at all about my arms. This is how they look.

Here are my thoughts: Woman have hair. Some have more than others. We already spend WAY too much time worrying about these things. Do we really need to add another task to our personal grooming regimens? Don’t we already have enough pressure on us to meet society’s arbitrary standards of beauty? Why are we encouraging (or more accurately, pressuring) each other to have more insecurities? As a whole, I think we suffer from confidence issues based on our appearance and that has knock-on effects on our ability to achieve success in our careers and happiness in our lives. Society puts enough pressure on us to be thin, to be tall, to have big boobs, to not go grey, to show no wrinkles. Do we need to add ‘to be hairless’? Where does this end?

Please share your thoughts.

Courtney x

from kid games toys http://ift.tt/1RQ9yoZ via kid games toys
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1WtqYMb

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