вторник, 13 октября 2015 г.

Tuesday Tips: shopping for tweens on Pinterest


I wanted to share with you this little tip, as my kids are getting bigger and are starting to have an opinion on what they would like to wear. We don’t always have the same opinions and this results in a verbal wrangle in the mornings that we would all really like to avoid, as none of us are morning people.

The other day my daughter turned to me and said, “You know mummy, you are not the only one who has good taste. My taste is good too, but it is just different to yours”. Darn these kids growing up and being able to build constructive arguments!

So we have learned to compromise and now we all need to agree on an outfit before we buy it. After all, two good tastes are better than one.  ; )

The issue we have is that I work full time, so the only time we could go shopping together is on weekends and none of us feel like doing that. So I have started to create Pinterest boards for us to quickly have a look at together. They then can tell me what they like or don’t like and I can order online or run to the shops in my lunch break. The great thing is that I just walk up to the sales assistant with the pinterest board on my phone and can ask them to pull out all the items I would like to look at. It saves me having to browse through the racks and look for them.

Up to now this has actually worked really well for us, but I would love to hear if you have any good tips about shopping for/ with tweens!


Here is a photo of Coco and Sara that we took this summer. They are both so big now and the now also each have their own individual style. Coco loves anything urban and Sara is more vintage inspired.


from kid games toys http://ift.tt/1GFhGUQ via kid games toys
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1ZyBUv7

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