среда, 14 октября 2015 г.

The Marvellous Fluffy Squishy Itty Bitty, by Beatrice Alemagna


There are so many spectacular picture books out there at the moment and this one is no exception. Beatrice Alemagna’s latest book, The Marvellous Fluffy Squishy Itty Bitty, is a modern delight. With it’s jazzy pop of neon pink woven through the most detailed of illustrations, this is a story about a young girl who wants to find the perfect birthday gift for her mother.



Set in a charming French town (the kind of town I’d love to explore myself), Edith overhears her sister talking how she’s going to find the most amazing present for her Mum. Edith, who thinks she’s no good at anything, begins her own quest strolling through the village asking for the help from the local stores as she asks them each if they sell such a thing as awesome as she’s searching for!


Beatrice Alemagna has truely written and illustrated a spectacular book. She’s managed to encapsulate the little girl’s energetic character so you immediately warm to her. This is a heartwarming story with images full of mesmerizing detail. And if you want to see just how Alegmagna manages to create her wonderful illustrations this is an impressive video showing you just that.


The Marvellous Fluffy Squishy Itty Bitty is a fine picture book and is available in all good bookstores or on Amazon (US) and (UK).

Happy reading!

Vanessa xx

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